Metanoia is the journey you will travel for yourself. Your 20's are your selfish years. You'll be best of what you have to be and what you always wanted to be. But you may ruin this beautiful journey if you don't say 'YES' to your priorities. You'll ruin your 20's if you don't take out time for yourself. I know you care for your friends and put them above you. That's okay! But trust me, no one will question you if you take out time for yourself. You'll ruin your 20's if you don't take a moment and appreciate what you have, if you rush through life. Naina said ~"No matter how hard you try, you'll always miss out on something. So lets enjoy what we have". You'll ruin your 20's if you fall in love with every person who pays you a bit of attention. Its cool to be single and its okay to be alone. Don't settle for anyone just because people around you are falling for someone. You'll ruin your 20's if you don...